Monday, November 14, 2011

Nu-Works Videos

Today we watched our videos and the films of our fellow classmates. Here are my opinions and constructive criticisms:

Shh Its A Secret: I was in this group
We should have recorded in a more quite area.

The Flinstones:
They had a really uniques idea but they should have extended how long the quote was in the video and sound would have also added a nice touch to the video.

The Void:
I think there was a good editing job done on it. I also liked the quotes. It would have been nice had the music been faded out a little rather than stopping abruptly. The sound should have been recorded better or the instruments should have been recorded separately so it can be toyed with

Move Crew:
At the begining i couldn't reaaly hear what they were saying. Also they should have use a tripod. I loved the use of slo-mo and reversing the water scene at the end, aslo the effect used for it.

Cherry Bomb:
It was a funny move. The quote really matched the movie. At the begining i couldn't really understand the dialogue. The video didn't seem to have a story so the shots didn't seem connected.

Crazy Hair:
Their music was interesting. I could clearly understand the actors. Although the clips didn't really seem to relate to each other.

Motion Hands:
I loved the music

Shh It's A Secret

In Nu-Works we made videos about movement and i was the director and the sound mixer/recorder. The name of our group was Shh It's A secret.